Thursday, November 24, 2011

Try you must, Succeed you will

This quoted is by Jedi Master Yoda from Star Wars. This week my wise friend Cathy quoted this to me, and I plan to make my new quote for life. I need to try if I wish to be successful. In everything I do. To farthing my education, to gaining a better social life. (like *cough* dating) I need to set goals, work toward them, and go forward with courage and faith. :)

Recently I read an article by President Monson found in the January 1987 Ensign titled “Meeting your Goliath” I came across the article as I was reading my Mom's journals. She talked about this article and I decided to read it myself. :)

President Monson advises us to examine our own lifes: “..might we look carefully at our own lives and judge our courage, or faith. Is there a Goliath in your life? .. Does he stand squarely between you and your desired happiness?”

I feel my Goliath has always been my shyness. Some days it feels like a curse. It’s been my new year’s resolution this year to “break” out my shell, and I feel I’ve made somewhat of a “crack” I still have a long way to go however. :/

It’s like my “heart and mind” post a while back. I find that I am hiding who I am behind my shyness. Why am I shy? Why am I so scared to let others see the real me? I think perhaps we all have this fear of letting others in on different levels or degrees.

President Monson continues, “Just as David went to the brook, well might we go to our source of supply- The Lord. What polished stones will you select to defeat the Goliath that is robbing you of your happiness by smoothing your opportunities? May I offer suggestions?”

lol! I love that last line. Of course you can! ;)
I now will tell you a summary of what these five stones are.

First Stone: COURAGE.
President Monson then talks about Laman and Lemuel going to get the plates and how they lacked courage, which took from them opportunity. Nephi was courageous however. ;) with a “I will GO and DO..” Attitude. :) (1 Nephi 3:7)

Second Stone: EFFORT
Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. “Thurst in thy sickle with all thy might” was not just for missionaries. We all need to put forth effort in our lives to overcome our challenges/trials. Our Goliaths.

Third Stone: HUMILITY
One of my all-time favorite scriptures- D&C 112:10 “Be thou humble and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answers to thy prayers.” The Lord will give us aid, just like He did for David. :)

Forth Stone: PRAYER
We need Our Father’s help if we are to succeed. He wants to bless us. All we need to do is ask, and have faith/trust in Him. :)

Fifth Stone: LOVE OF DUTY
“Duty is not merely to do the thing we ought to do, but to do it when we should, whether we like it or not” ;) I like the definition. It’s not always easy doing the right thing. It can be very scary. However.. it is our duty. :)

“Armed with this selection of five polished stones to be propelled by the mighty sling of Faith, we need then but take the staff of Virtue to steady us, and we are ready to meet our Goliath, wherever, and however we find him.”

I loved this article and hope now I am now better prepared to face my Goliath that tells me I am not good enough to go away for good. ;) With the Lords help I know I can do it.

Try I must, Succeed I will. ;)


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