Sunday, October 30, 2011

Man like Captain Moroni

This past General Conference Sister Dalton gave an amazing talk directed to Fathers. In every talk I tried my best to seek for a way to apply it to my own life.

I really like the part of her talk where she talked about Captain Moroni and the characteristics he possessed.
“[He] was a strong and mighty man;.. he was a man of a perfect understanding;.. a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God,.. a man who was firm in the faith of Christ..
“.. if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever, yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.” (Alma 48:11-13, & 17)

In hearing her talk I was remind of my own father. She told the fathers that they are their daughter’s hero. I am very blessed to be able to have a father that is my hero. :) I know of some of my friends that can’t say that.

Also in hearing Sister Dalton’s talk I thought of my future husband, the father of my future children. What I can look for in finding who he is.. what main characteristics I can look for. The same ones Captain Moroni had. The same ones I can see in my own Father. :)

I don’t know why, but I’ve been concern lately that I won’t recognize him (whoever he may be) when “he comes out of nowhere and into my life” (as Michael Buble puts it) but as I mention in the Ryan Scale post about the experience I had in institute recently, I will recognize him “ [his] desires and [his] works [I] shall know [him]” (D&C 18:38) :)

One day.. My Prince will come. :) One day..


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