In thinking about what I want my New Year’s resolution for 2012 to be, I reflected on my resolution I had for 2011 and how that went. My resolution last year was to “break out of my shy shell” I feel as I succeed somewhat, I’ve meet new people made new friends, etc.. however still have a long way to go.
So what can I do this year that will continue my growth as a human being? I thought about it, and pondered a little deeper of why I am shy. If I understand what is holding me back from blossoming (the term I used in my yesterday’s post) perhaps I can better grow into this flower Heavenly Father knows I can become. I realized my biggest problem is that I lack confidence. How can I expect someone to love me if I don’t love myself? I talked yesterday that I want to blossom this year. It’s more of a continuation of last year’s goal. I want to clear up that I don’t have a goal to get married, because I think that’s dumb and unrealistic. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone just to be in a relationship. I’ve tried that before and I’ve learned that’s not the way it works. At least it’s not how it should work.
Today in Relief Society we talked about resolutions and how our resolution should include ways we can grow closer to our Heavenly Father. So to go along with my blossoming analogy resolution idea I started explaining yesterday, I’ve decided I’m going to blossom this year by drawing closer to the Sun/Son. Meaning the Son of God. Flowers grow because of the nutriment they receive from the sunlight. What better way than to blossom spiritually than by soaking up the sunlight from my Savior. As the hymn teaches us, “The Lord is my light” :)
As I grow closer to My Savior, my Sunlight, this upcoming year, I will blossom into this confident little flower I am meant to be. I will discover/ remember my Divine Nature, and Individual worth.
“.. Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, No matter how insignificant you may feel, No matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love.” -President Uchtdorf in his talk about the Forget-Me-Not Flowers.
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