Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pool Analogy

Tonight I went out with a few friends to play pool. I realized.. we can compare pool to dating. In a way.. I mean.. when you have the balls lined up.. you have a greater shot at getting the ball you want in the hole. If you hit it right that is. It takes skill and some practice. It takes aim and some planning. If you don’t plan, and just hit to hit, you most likely won’t get anywhere. Make sense? Tonight while playing there were times when nothing was lined up and there was nothing I could do to get them to line up right. so I just hit to hit with no real plan. But there were other times when I took a shot that I took time preparing my aim and thinking the shot the whole way through. :) There have been times in my dating.. “career” ( I suppose that’s a good word for it) where I have plan it out. Taken time to look at all the different angles and made plan in aiming my shot. Most the time, however, I don’t make it in. It gets easier with practice (so I'm told) in landing that date or two. ;) Also like dating, pool can get very frustrating when things don’t go as planned. Which happens a lot for me. I suppose I should get out there and practice some more.. ;)


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