I’ve had an interesting last two days. Yesterday in my sociology class we talked about marriage and family. One of the big things we talked about was divorce and discussed the pros and cons. Today a random man at work decided to tell me all about his divorce and how he’s glad to be rid of her. Wow, I know. TMI. (too much information.) Then I received a text from my aunt telling me after less than a month of being divorce my uncle (or ex uncle now I guess is what I call him?) is getting remarried at the end of the month. So yeah. Lot of talk of divorce in the last two days. Not sure I ever want to get married now.
I told Cathy about it and we got talking about marriage, and how freaked out we can be about it, and I stated the obvious fear: how can we know that it will last forever? She then shared with me something she heard from her stake president a while back. He said, “You fall in a hole, and you fall out of bed, you don’t fall in love” and explain that when he married his wife he thought he loved her, but looking back now he’d say that he just really liked her a lot. “Love takes work. If you don’t work at it, it goes away.”
Then we got talking about the triangle analogy I’ve heard a couple times in my single life in preparing me for marriage. That marriage is a three way commitment. God is at the top corner of the triangle, husband at one, and the wife at the other. As the husband and wife are moving upward toward God they are moving closer to each other. :) In thinking about this, and couples who follow this triangle plan, such as my Dad and Stepmom, they are the happiest couple I know. I believe it’s because they are following this triangle plan. :)
I hope to find a love like theirs one day. In the meantime I’ll work on what I can, moving upward on my side of the triangle towards God. ;)