Monday, October 31, 2011

A Shoe

Today I was talking to a friend of mine about a date she had over the weekend. She can’t tell if this boy likes her or not and he’s being very confusing. Puh. Typical boy. And they think we are the confusing complicating ones. I beg to differ. Anyways, as she was telling me about his actions, we concluded he hasn’t decided if he likes her or not. I was reminded of an analogy that was given yesterday’s dating discussion. Which was about comparing shoe shopping, trying on shoes- to casual dating. Trying to find the right fit. Of course being the Friends fan that I am I couldn’t help but think of the pilot episode where Rachel is talking to her Dad on the phone. “It’s like.. all my life I’m been told I’m a shoe. You’re a shoe you’re a shoe you’re a shoe. And one day I woke up and decided what if I don’t wanna be shoe anymore. What if I want to be a purse, or a hat.. no I don’t want a hat! I'm saying I am a hat. It’s a metaphor Daddy!” LOL. :) ah Friends. Love it. Anyways. Today’s lesson, Casual dating is like shoe shopping. And one day, just like Cinderella, I’ll find my perfect fit. ;)


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Up To Bat

Today at church for our combined fifth sunday lesson we talked about dating. lol. so typical in the singles ward. Anyways, I decided to stay after for the mingle for a bit so that I can attempted to practice a little bit of what was taught. Actually talking to boys. which in my baseball dating analogy I shared in an earlier post with you all is at bat, attempting to swing the bat. I was able to talk to a few boys. :) I know it may sound lame to some of you, but I am proud of myself. For stepping out of my comfort zone and going off on my own to actually have a conversation with a boy. :) I don't know if I'll make it to first base, but at least I wasn't hit in the face by the ball. metaphorically speaking of course. ;)


Man like Captain Moroni

This past General Conference Sister Dalton gave an amazing talk directed to Fathers. In every talk I tried my best to seek for a way to apply it to my own life.

I really like the part of her talk where she talked about Captain Moroni and the characteristics he possessed.
“[He] was a strong and mighty man;.. he was a man of a perfect understanding;.. a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God,.. a man who was firm in the faith of Christ..
“.. if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever, yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.” (Alma 48:11-13, & 17)

In hearing her talk I was remind of my own father. She told the fathers that they are their daughter’s hero. I am very blessed to be able to have a father that is my hero. :) I know of some of my friends that can’t say that.

Also in hearing Sister Dalton’s talk I thought of my future husband, the father of my future children. What I can look for in finding who he is.. what main characteristics I can look for. The same ones Captain Moroni had. The same ones I can see in my own Father. :)

I don’t know why, but I’ve been concern lately that I won’t recognize him (whoever he may be) when “he comes out of nowhere and into my life” (as Michael Buble puts it) but as I mention in the Ryan Scale post about the experience I had in institute recently, I will recognize him “ [his] desires and [his] works [I] shall know [him]” (D&C 18:38) :)

One day.. My Prince will come. :) One day..


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heart and Mind

I write you letters from right to left/ See if you have desire yet/ To decipher what I said/ And learn secrets from my head

It was hard for me to say/ Those three words that are so brave/ Almost kept them locked away/ Deep inside where they'd be safe

Always trying to find/A safer place to hide
Always felt I was protecting my/Heart and mind/But it seems like to really feel alive /I cannot hide /My heart and mind

I don't know why I get shy /Tucked away inside my mind/ Scared to let someone inside /I sit silent in disguise

Always trying to find/ A safer place to hide
Always felt I was protecting my/ Heart and mind/ But it seems like/ to really feel alive /I cannot hide my heart and mind

One day I found a strength inside me/Just by finally realizing/There is a truth that is inside/That I really cannot hide/My heart and mind

(Song Lyrics: Heart and Mind by Kina Grannis)

This song describes me. I find myself sending clues/hints to boys I like, but the reality is they don’t get hints. No matter how obvious they are. And it is so hard to say those three words: I like you. and one day when those feeling grow: I love you. I’ve always kept them hidden away. Never actually said them. why not? well like Kina said, I think I am protecting my heart and mind. I am shy, and I really don’t know why. At times it feels like a curse. I’m just.. scared to let anyone inside. Afraid of getting hurt. Of falling a great height and crashing. Afraid to fall because honestly I don’t believe there is anyone there to catch me. So I hid my feelings inside. I sit silently in disguise. Always feeling that I am protecting my heart and mind. One day.. I hope.. that I’ll be able to come out of hiding. That I will find that guy that will make me feel like I can fly.



I have boyfriend. At least, that’s what I’ve been told. His name is Camden and he is four. He’s been going around bragging to everyone that he knows that I am his girlfriend and I am totally okay by that. He is SO adorable! Sure it’s nothing serious, that would be illegal! But it’s nice to know that someone loves me and wants me for their girlfriend. Even if he is only four years old. ;)


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Second To None

A couple summers ago, when I was still attending the family ward I was made Young Women's camp director. (I know, hilarious.) It ended up being a really neat experience. I was the one who had to come up with a theme. It was fun to brainstorm a lot of ideas, however, I kept coming back to the same thing. Princesses. With the help of my two camp assistants we came to a conclusion of what our theme title should be, which was: "Finding the Princess within."
A lot of times we fail to remember our Individual worth and Divine Nature. We are all Children of God. One of my all time favorite quotes for that summer, that is actually by President Hinckley goes: "Remember who you are. You are Second to none. You are a daughter of God" :)

Being Ready

Sometimes I get disgusted and bitter when I find out girls younger than me are getting married. it's not fair! but the truth is.. all of us are different. when I think about it.. I wasn't ready when I was 20 to get married. Come to think of it.. I'm not even sure I'm ready now to get married. LOL. There is so much I have learned in the last five years. Things I would have missed out on if I was married. The main thing was serving a mission for the Church. I would have missed out on so much. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the most rewarding. I learned so much. There is so much more to life than just being married and having kids. One day I’ll get there, but in the meantime.. I’m going to take advantage of the time I have being single. Discovering who I am, and all that fun jazz. :)



I'm afraid to begin,
For what the end will bring.
Am I ready to fall?
It seems so far, I could get hurt.
In the end will it be worth it?

Should I give you a try?
You and I could be..
I can see it in my dreams.
Will you fall along with me?

I can see it in my dreams.
You and I could be!
Should I give you a try?
In the end will it be worth it?
It seems so far, I could get hurt.
Am I ready to fall?

For what the end may bring..
I'm afraid to begin.

(Poem by meat age 17)

Do over

Do you ever wish you had a “Do Over” button? For those times you missed an opportunity to talk to a really cute boy?

I needed one of those tonight. He said “Hi” to me and I waved and then went on my way. I wasn’t planning on seeing him and it threw me off. I couldn’t think how to react until after it happen.

Alright. I thought about it now and I could have performed better.
I’m ready now. “Do Over”
If only it were that easy.

Bling Dates

I’ve had a lot of blind dates in my life. And I mean A LOT. Because I’m a shy person it’s hard for me to do this dating game on my own. So blind dates are what I usually get when it comes to dating. In my baseball analogy, blind dates are like receiving a “ball” no swing necessary. Just a free pass to first base- first date. :)

Don’t get me wrong. Blind dates can be great. I have some good stories, and some not so good stories to share about them. lol. ;)

Over all though, I believe in them. After all, that’s how my Dad meet my stepmom. As well as my two brothers meeting their wives. So I believe they work. Did all you catch that? I hope so caz I need your help if I’m ever going to get married. ;) I’m only partly kidding.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Ryan Scale

Okay, So my last post I told you all about my ideal date. Now I’ll tell you about a not so Ideal date. True story too. Sort of. It’s a dream I had.

But, before I tell you about the dream I'm going to give you some real life back ground. One day my good friend Cathy and I were traveling on the bus together. I look over and see the most gorgeous man I think I've ever seen in my entire life! When we got off the bus she turn to me and asked me if I'd seen him. Heck yes I did! We were totally checking out the same man. How funny is that? For the next few hours we couldn’t help but keep talking about him, and playing a game of a sort of coming up with a name for him. We finally settled on the name Ryan. Since then it's been an inside joke of ours. Whenever we tell each other about a boy we like and admire, or have a date with, we ask each other where he is on the Ryan scale. LOL. One day we were IMing on facebook, when Harry Potter was coming out and I look over and see Voldemort. EK!! Defiantly a zero on the Ryan scale. :/ so that is the back ground of how the Ryan scale came to be. Ryan a Ten. Voldemort a Zero.

Now onto my dream..

So this dream date of mine. It started with my friend Liz coming over with a boy for me. She was hinting to both of us that she was setting us up. He was a total fox! aka Ryan! ;) So course I was interested! So we went out on a date. ;)

It was.. an interesting date. Not really what I was expecting. It started off with small little errors. For example he forgot to open my door. Okay, I suppose I could let that slide. Next he took me to a horrible restaurant. Okay. I guess food is food. We had really weird awkward silences and he asked the strangest questions. (huh?) And he made fun of me! (Excuse me jerkface?) As he was losing "points" he was going down on the Ryan scale major- getting uglier and uglier with each jerk action. Oh it doesn’t end there! Next he forgot his wallet and couldn't pay for the meal and strangely enough I forgot mine too. We ended up having to wash dishes to pay for out meal! And lastly he didn't even bother walking me to the door! Total curp side drop off! In the end he became as ugly as Lord Voldemort, no nose and all. :/

What a strange dream right? It was nightmare! I'm glad it was only a dream. Could you imagine if it wasn't? That would have been so awful! I told my friend Cathy my dream and she thought that it was awesome.. even though it wasn't.. LOL

I suppose in thinking about this, it would be pretty awesome to be able to tell a man’s character by the way he looked.

A while back I had really cool revelation experience. As I was at institute with my friends and feeling super stupid for falling for another player type boy (I’ll get more into talking about players in a future post) A scripture from the page we were on popped out at me. D&C 18:38. “And by their desire and their works you shall know them.” And was reminded of this dream I had. :) I thought it was really cool how that happen. It was a nice little reminder that I can tell from a man’s desires and works who he is inside. His inner beauty, or is inner ugliness. :)


My Ideal Date

I was asked a while ago in a twenty question game I was playing with my friend Angela what my ideal date would be. Activity wise. I thought about it, for like a second. It wasn’t that hard to come up with really. lol.
My ideal date, and here’s the secret to all those boys out there who are internet stocking me- LOL As if they exist, but please friends just humor me for a bit and please don’t ruin it by saying he’ s a creepo stalker alright?
Okay.. where was I?
Oh yes.
The secret to my ideal date. ;)
It’s actually really simple.
It’s.. anything related to dancing.
Be it going to a dance concert of some type, for example a ballet, a play, or even better going dancing! :) It could even be just playing “Just Dance” on the Wii (I LOVE that game!)
Oh Yeah! :D
Even something as simple as dancing in the middle of the street with no music like in the movie the Notebook. You don’t even have to know how to dance! Or be good at it! It just has to include dancing. That’s all I request. :)
Pretty simple really.
Haha! I was just reminded of a funny story. One time.. I was ‘tricked’ on going on a date.
For real!
I was invited by a guy friend of mine to go dancing. I thought he said it was a group thing, or maybe I just assumed (?) either way, it ended up being the two of us. I remember texting my friends when I realized it was just the two of us and saying, “I’ve been tricked! I think I’m on a date with Matt*!” He was a nice kid don’t get me wrong.. he’s just.. I don’t know how to describe it. Just friends material. Anyways, the point is, I’m a sucker for dancing. I love to dance. I’m not a professional or anything of the sort, I just.. enjoy it. It’s one thing that I can’t help but smile when I see it, and/ or when I attempted it. :) It’s just over all super duper fun. :)


*Name has been changed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Place in My Heart

Today is my Mother’s birthday. She is.. my Angel. :) She passed away my sophomore year of high school. I miss her very much, and at times wish she was here to help me out with all these boy problems.

Those first few years were really hard for me. I got really angry with God for taking her away from me. I was only sixteen and just entering the dating world. A territory I did not know. There have been many times since she’s been gone that I’ve desperately wanted her here, to the point that I would cry myself to sleep because I needed her... I needed her here beside me to help me in life and in understanding why boys were so stupid.

I have been extremely blessed to have my Mom’s sister, my dear Aunt Toni always there to talk to about this strange dating game we play. She’s always been there to help comfort me when my heart has been broken, and in finding hope in the future, as well as just being a listening ear for those times when I need to vent my feelings. She is truly one of my dearest closes friends and I would be so lost without her in my life. I love her very much. :)

I was told once by a bishop in my youth to be aware of the hole that was left in my heart from losing my Mom at such a young age, a hole that left me vulnerable to the world. He told me I needed to be careful not to fall in love so easily. Perhaps that is one reason why I haven’t been able to truly open my heart to boy. That warning has honestly frightened me so much that I don’t let anyone in at all. It is as if I have a wall up and I can’t for the life of me bring it down. That fear of getting hurt.. of falling and not being able to get back up again.. It’s terrifying. :(

However, I realize today, that place in my heart will never be filled. It will always belong to my Mother. My Angel. :) She has always and will always be a part of me. She is the main reason I am the person I am today.

Happy Birthday Mom! :) I love you, and miss you always. You will always have a place in my heart. <3

With much Love
Your daughter,

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baseball Dating for Mormons

So.. this baseball analogy came to be because of a dream I had. I was on a date with this super cute guy and we held hands.
It was a lovely dream. :)
I told my friend Julee about it the next day and she said “Ooo. Holding hands? Is that like second base?” and that is how this whole analogy came to be. :) In thinking about this dating game compared to baseball, Julee and I came up with what each “base” of the dating process is.

I’m Mormon after all, so I date in a different way than what the rest of the world would. Ya see.. in this dating analogy to baseball how the world has it.. well it’s not appropriate for us Mormons and the wonderful law of chastity we believe in. :)

So According my friend Julee and me, we decided that up at bat is the first step at attempting to playing this dating game of baseball. Which we decided symbolizes in this analogy is the act of actually talking to the boy. You may hit some strikes, or even some foul balls, but eventually with practice you'll hit a ball, and make it to first base. ;)

First base meaning.. first date. ;) Which can be quite the accomplishment. The run to second base is getting that second, third, fourth.. etc etc. you get the point- multiple dates. Which we can also refer it to casual dating. :)

Now on to second base. Julee was right about it being holding hands, because holding hands symbolizes commitment.. and that we would classify as being steady dating. aka boyfriend/girlfriend. ;)

Third base of this little baseball dating analogy for Mormons is being the Engagement part of the relationship. Some of you may think that Engagement should be home plate, but unfortunately for some couples they get stopped by the short stop and call of the engagement for one reason or another.

Then last, but certainly not least, Home Plate.. Which is of course our Happily Ever After. :) Marriage in our Castle- The Lord’s Temple. Where we are seal together for Time and all eternity. :) Awe.

Pretty simple right? Wrong. LOL. Maybe it is for some, but for me.. I am terrible at this game. Which is why I think some of the stories of my own adventures life of dating will be fun to share with you all in this new blog of mine. I hope you all enjoy.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's a Date?

"I want to go on a date.” Gisele in the 2007 movie Enchanted tells her Prince Edward. He responds excitingly: “A date!” :D then pauses in confusion and ask.. “What's a date?”
I’ve been wondering this one myself lately. It’s been a really long time since I’ve had one of those, I’ve forgotten and feel like Prince Edward when he pauses in confusion.
What is a date?
The best description I could find was actually in this same film earlier, when Gisele’s new friend Robert tells Gisele that a date is going out some place special. Such as to a restaurant, movie, or even a museum. The list can go on and on. You go, hangout and you talk. You talk about each other. Your interests. You likes, and your dislikes. :) Sounds pretty simple right? :) If only.. lol.
So much to say, and not enough time to share it. Till next time..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Menace to Society

As explained in the 2002 movie the “Single’s Ward” by the character Brother Niner when he said: “Let me reiterate what Brigham Young said: if you're 25 years old and unmarried, you're a menace to society. Just something for everybody to ponder”


So.. According to that.. I am a Menace to Society. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Except, I was told once by my friend Cathy that this quote doesn’t revere to us girls. After all.. it’s the boys job to do the asking out and eventually the proposing when it gets to that stage of the relationship. Some of you may agree, some of you may not. Either way.. I am 25, and unmarried, which, according to this saying, I am a Menace to Society.

Agh. What a stupid game. Especially if you’re like me and have chungo (aka lame) boys playing. At this rate, I’m Forever Single.

Welcome to my new blog. Where I’ll be talking about mine and possible my friends dating experience, in hopes of entertaining my friends with laughter. :)
